Security Sandboxing and program isolation in linux using many approaches (Part 1) You can secure your linux system by isolating the malicious program or risky tasks using Sandboxing in different ways to stop it from affecting your main system.Sandboxing means providing a safe environment for a program or software so you can play around it without hurting your system By Shubham Dubey 29 Dec 2017
Virtualization Data Storage virtualization in Linux (Part 2) In the previous part we talked about how we can create sparse file storage and create file system to mount or share across network. Now we will look into some common disk operations that we can do with this storage like scaling, encryption etc. By Shubham Dubey 28 Dec 2017
Virtualization Data Storage virtualization in Linux (Part 1) Learn how to use file storage in Staas services. In file storage we create a file and use it as our virtual partition then format it in desire file system and mount it. All the operation we do in our real disk partition(/dev/sda*) can be done on that with some little tricks or manipulation. By Shubham Dubey 28 Dec 2017
Tutorial Finding file information using different methods Information about files content can be found using different methods in both windows and linux systems. This knowledge can be handy if you are developing a program or script that is dealing with files. By Shubham Dubey 27 Dec 2017
Linux How to boot linux iso without usb on corrupted bios of lenovo laptops Grub2 have the capability to boot directly from iso file present in any of your hard drive storage. Using this feature most Linux distributions as well as popular rescue CDs can be booted directly from an ISO file. By Shubham Dubey 27 Dec 2017